Castle of Horror: Holiday Horrors


Horror Fantasy Short Story “The Pestis”

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SKU: 978-1707640027 Category:


The Castle of Horror Anthology is BACK with a collection of horror stories around the holidays, including but not exclusively the ones around the end of the year. We’ve reached out to the world’s most skilled horroricians (TM) to bring you this new collection of work, so settle in with a cup of egg nog and join us! We’ve got sly demon horror from Tony Bloodworth (in the second part of a long tale begun in the Castle of Horror Anthology, Volume 1), summer holiday river tubing horror from Jason Henderson (our fearless editor), pre-Columbian-demon-hunting horror/action from David Bowles, creepy Hannukah horror from Sarah Stegall, Christmas pervy horror from PJ Hoover, SAW-like Christmas survival/puzzle horror from In Churl Yo, autumnal coming-of-age ghost horror from Michael Aronovitz, sad, dreadful, druidic Christmas tree horror from Sam Knight, gothic werewolf/Krampus action horror from Stephen D Sullivan, Christmas science fiction bio-horror from David Boop, and Jersey-accented Santa action horror from John Helfers. Join us– and be sure and pick up our other volume(s) on the way out!

Additional information

Weight 16.9 oz
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.84 in